Tuesday, 16 February 2010


I've always been a great fan of Lulu. The Shloop shloop song in particular is one of my all-time  favourites.

Here is a digitally enhanced portrait I did of her some time ago.

As you can see, it's instantly recognisable as being Lulu in her younger days, before she started messing about with Take That, and all that Benicol. I don't think I'm as much a fan of hers as I once was, but I have literally hundreds of portraits I did of her, so I might still post them for a while.


  1. Remarkable! You should be hung in the Tate, Leonard.

  2. Brilliant cartoon, Lenny. I've seen Lulu close up & she's a bit ropey like an old wax jacket.

  3. Would you make me up a commemorative 'Lulu' tea towel?
    Actually oven gloves. Do you do oven gloves?
    Could you let me know the approximate cost?

  4. i like this wun espesherly the teeeth an the rings rownd the eis i of got rings rownd the eis to
