Tuesday, 29 March 2011

A Sad Picture.

This week I have decided against publishing one of my hilarious cartoons that you all love (to have on tea towels etc). and I have decided to post some serious artwork instead. This is a portrait of my wife I did when I got my new bamboo graphics tablet, and shortly before she left me! That was lucky, as I doubt she'd sit for a portrait now.

So even serious art can be poignant and sad. Not always about having a laugh. My psychiatrist has told me that these feelings will pass soon, as long as I continue with the medication and stop drinking Stella. Truth be told, I haven't been to the local social club for over three weeks now, and that's nothing to do with the graffiti in the gents (wasn't me!). 

So if you'd like a lovely portrait of your wife, get in touch quick - before she leaves you and you loose the chance to have a lovely portrait of your wife. Fees start from just £20 plus postage fee*

*This design is not available on a tea towel, due to legal advice.


  1. She's absolutely gawg, Leonard. I wouldn't mind a go even if she's only got one chunky leg!
    In the meantime, pop her on a tea towel or two. There's bound to be a market for that sort of thing.

  2. Thanks Paul, but there's not much point in going after that one. She's been with several binmen - according to Brenda across the road.

  3. Don't believe what she says, the cow! Have you seen the state of her curtains. Unlike her knickers, they haven't been taken down for months.
    The filth!

  4. Leonard, will you be doing a commemorative Royal wedding illustration? You could retire on the profits from them teatowels.

  5. Ewen, I won't be doing any more Tea Towels unfortunatly, as the pound shop don't sell any plain printable tea-towels. Just heavy checked patterns. They are a good price, 4 for £1, but they are only really any good for mopping up spills in the kitchen, rather than commemorating anything.
